Our News

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Our Articles

Covering topics from public speaking and presentation skills to sales skills and winery hospitality.

Relationship Sales Success: Use Your Personality for a Great First Impression

Use Your Personality for a Great First Impression It’s showtime, baby! You are on stage. When someone comes through that door, look up, smile, and say something like, “Come on in!” Or, just say, “Welcome!” Then reach out to shake their hands, tell them your name and ask for theirs. The first impression that you make to arriving [...]

How to Win a Customer for Life

8 Ways to Win Back a Customer for Life In one week, I became a lifelong customer of one business and I walked out of another business forever. These personal experiences of customer service are examples of why some companies thrive in tough economic times and some have a sagging bottom line. THE HORROR STORY: Looking [...]

Coaching an All-Star Staff

8 Ways to Develop Motivated People "An effective leader skillfully blends the first three roles but doesn't actually have to be superhuman," says Lynda Paulson, president of Success Strategies, Inc. Instead, aspiring leaders and team builders need to learn how to guide employees to the path of productivity and positive attitudes by discovering their motives [...]

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Serving Napa and Sonoma

Phone: 1.775.530.6119

Web: SuccessStrategiesInc.com


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