speech coach

Executive Speaking Experience

2022-12-16T19:09:17-08:00By |

Learn how to deal with anxiety and develop poise and presence, prepare for different audiences and gain confidence in your own personal style. Get hands-on, interactive exercises, personalized one-on-one coaching, and written evaluations through ten or more videotaped practice sessions. Develop audience connection, real-time response and buy-in. You'll learn how to handle confrontational issues and respond to Q & A with authority. It's one-on-one coaching and critiquing with a true “laboratory” approach.  All of it allows you to practice and think on your feet.

Executive Speaking Experience

2022-08-18T10:32:12-07:00By |

Learn how to deal with anxiety and develop poise and presence, prepare for different audiences and gain confidence in your own personal style. Get hands-on, interactive exercises, personalized one-on-one coaching, and written evaluations through ten or more videotaped practice sessions. Develop audience connection, real-time response and buy-in. You'll learn how to handle confrontational issues and respond to Q & A with authority. It's one-on-one coaching and critiquing with a true “laboratory” approach.  All of it allows you to practice and think on your feet.

Executive Speaking Experience

2022-08-18T10:32:39-07:00By |

Learn how to deal with anxiety and develop poise and presence, prepare for different audiences and gain confidence in your own personal style. Get hands-on, interactive exercises, personalized one-on-one coaching, and written evaluations through ten or more videotaped practice sessions. Develop audience connection, real-time response and buy-in. You'll learn how to handle confrontational issues and respond to Q & A with authority. It's one-on-one coaching and critiquing with a true “laboratory” approach.  All of it allows you to practice and think on your feet.

Train the Trainer

2021-09-08T00:19:37-07:00By |

Learn how to teach the Winery Hospitality & Sales Training workshop to your own sales team. This is an advanced course ideal for key personnel within large tasting room hospitality sales teams to learn how to conduct team training. Participants must be graduates of our Winery Hospitality & Sales Training course to attend Train the Trainer. They receive step-by-step training on teaching the skills taught in our sales training course. They learn the techniques; different learning styles; and how to adjust their own coaching to match those of participants. Most importantly, they learn how to track the results of their efforts with their own students.

Train the Trainer

2019-08-28T16:10:00-07:00By |

Learn how to teach the Winery Hospitality & Sales Training workshop to your own sales team. This is an advanced course ideal for key personnel within large tasting room hospitality sales teams to learn how to conduct team training. Participants must be graduates of our Winery Hospitality & Sales Training course to attend Train the Trainer. They receive step-by-step training on teaching the skills taught in our sales training course. They learn the techniques; different learning styles; and how to adjust their own coaching to match those of participants. Most importantly, they learn how to track the results of their efforts with their own students.

Train the Trainer

2019-08-28T16:57:42-07:00By |

Learn how to teach the Winery Hospitality & Sales Training workshop to your own sales team. This is an advanced course ideal for key personnel within large tasting room hospitality sales teams to learn how to conduct team training. Participants must be graduates of our Winery Hospitality & Sales Training course to attend Train the Trainer. They receive step-by-step training on teaching the skills taught in our sales training course. They learn the techniques; different learning styles; and how to adjust their own coaching to match those of participants. Most importantly, they learn how to track the results of their efforts with their own students.

Media Skills Training

2019-08-28T05:01:41-07:00By |

Develop the power to communicate effectively with the public under high-stress circumstances. Executives owe it to their organizations to spend time preparing for the Anderson Coopers of the broadcast business. Cooper’s response to this? “It makes perfect sense to me because business people should have every opportunity to make the best case they can for themselves.” Preparation cannot be overemphasized. Learn how to remain calm, focused and on-point while surrounded by bright lights, cameras, an array of recording equipment, and a phalanx of reporters, producers and staff scurrying around you.

Media Skills Training

2019-08-28T16:16:19-07:00By |

Develop the power to communicate effectively with the public under high-stress circumstances. Executives owe it to their organizations to spend time preparing for the Anderson Coopers of the broadcast business. Cooper’s response to this? “It makes perfect sense to me because business people should have every opportunity to make the best case they can for themselves.” Preparation cannot be overemphasized. Learn how to remain calm, focused and on-point while surrounded by bright lights, cameras, an array of recording equipment, and a phalanx of reporters, producers and staff scurrying around you.

Advanced Speaker Experience

2019-09-02T21:12:53-07:00By |

One-day intensive, customized coaching to polish existing speaking skills, limited to six or fewer participants. This personal training is ideal for raising the bar on your existing speaking and presentation skills. Preparing for a majoring keynote? or TEDx audition? Hone your delivery, ensuring your talks are dynamic and riveting. Fine tune your speech to inspire, motivate and WOW the audience.

Advanced Speaker Experience

2019-09-02T21:14:31-07:00By |

One-day intensive, customized coaching to polish existing speaking skills, limited to six or fewer participants. This personal training is ideal for raising the bar on your existing speaking and presentation skills. Preparing for a majoring keynote? or TEDx audition? Hone your delivery, ensuring your talks are dynamic and riveting. Fine tune your speech to inspire, motivate and WOW the audience.

Contact Info

Serving Napa and Sonoma

Phone: 1.775.530.6119

Web: SuccessStrategiesInc.com


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